RTX64 RTOS,Windows 10即時解決方案的部落格



台北國際自動化工業大展 Automation Taipei將於2023年8月23日至26日在南港展覽館舉行。英特蒙作為工業自動化的領導者,一直致力於提供創新且高效的自動化軟體解決方案。在今年的展覽中,英特蒙將在一館 I1024攤位展示兩大核心產品 - RTX64和KINGSTAR,從底層即時系統到控制器的開發平台,為客戶提供能快速達成工業4.0目標的一站式自動化服務。 RTX64 是英特蒙的即時作業系統 (RTOS),具有多項特色功能,包括 EtherCAT ...

IntervalZero and KINGSTAR invite you to EtherCAT Seminar Series Vietnam 2023!

IntervalZero cordially invites you to participate in the EtherCAT Seminar Series in Vietnam 2023. Be part of this exclusive ETG event at the following dates and locations: Thursday, May 4 | Ho Chi Minh City Friday, May 5 | Hanoi ...

Meet IntervalZero at Embedded World 2022

Visit us at Embedded World (Nuremberg, June 21–23, 2022) Hall 4 – Stand 400. We will be running demos and sharing our latest technology with a particular focus on: IntervalZero RTX64, our real-time solution for Windows 10&11 that ...


英特蒙和 KINGSTAR 團隊將於12 月 15 日至 18 日在台北國際自動化工業大展 Automation Taipei的攤位K1002與您見面。展覽包括不同主題,這些主題皆與我們密切合作的產業有關,包括工業自動化、機器人技術、工業自動化通訊技術與軟體、五金工具暨廠房設備、工具機設備及其他領域。 我們竭誠歡迎您到現場親自觀看英特蒙與 KINGSTAR ...

Kingstar 4.1 at SPS IPC Drives 2021

  Visit us at SPS IPC Drives (Nuremberg – Nov 23-25th, 2021)Hall 5 – Stand 432 And meet KINGSTAR 4.1 With KINGSTAR Machine Automation Software, you can build smarter machine controllers that protect your intellectual property, ...

Why is automation desirable by most industries?

Machine automation is the technology designed to check the movement of machines. The modern machines have some form of computer control built into it. It is then integrated with business systems to provide control inputs. But machine ...