

英特蒙广泛的全球合作伙伴生态系统既是客户的重要资产(因为他们希望嵌入式系统的效能和价值最大化),也是我们公司的宝贵资产(因为我们致力于在各方面创新与改善 RTX实时操作系统 – RTOS平台,以提供业界领先的技术和客户服务)。

嵌入式系统 – 特别是需要复杂用户接口的大型系统 – 生命周期为 10-15 年或更久。有鉴于此,英特蒙与全球众多企业建立了长期的合作关系,这些企业与RTX64 RTOS平台相互配合,并在我们客户产品生命周期的每个阶段提供重要技术、支持与服务。







Company Territory Level Contact Phone
Tokyo Electron Device Japan Reseller email +81 45 443 4021
MDS Pacific Singapore/Malaysia Reseller email +65 6297 2800
Beijing ShiZhu Technology Ltd. China Reseller email +86 10 6858 7971
NEXCOM International Co., Ltd Taiwan/China Reseller email +886 2 8226 7786



Company Territory Level Contact Phone
dataPartner Ltd. Czech Republic Reseller email +420 380 420 101
Avnet Embedded France Reseller email +33 (0)1 64 47 99 76
DSIT SOLUTIONS Israel Reseller email +972 3 531 3333
Telestar srl Italy Reseller email +39 0321 966 768

硬件 & 总线

Real-time Microsoft Windows

内含英特蒙的RTX64 (实时操作系统,RTOS)。以RTX64为基础的KINGSTAR EtherCAT总线主站支持并简化了EtherCAT网络配置以及程序开发。KINGSTAR Fieldbus powered by EtherCAT支持CANopen over EtherCAT,并简化了配置EtherCAT网络的难度。当英特蒙强大并可将Windows转变成实时操作系统(RTOS)的RTX64软件运行时,系统可提供最高精确度以及确定性的表现。KINGSTAR Fieldbus还有一个独特且无可比拟的特色–自动探索/自动配置,可提供业界唯一的即插即用功能。造访 www.kingstar.com/cn.

United Electronic Industries, Inc -The High-Performance Alternative – is a supplier of high-end data-acquisition hardware and software. Its PowerDAQ family of DSP-based boards for both the PCI and PXI bus consist of multifunction cards (that encompass analog I/O, digital I/O, and counter/timers), simultaneous-sampling multifunction cards, high-density analog-output cards, and digital I/O cards including special models for applications such as timing sequencing. The firm has a broad offering of support software for all major operating environments including the ETS kernel. This driver-as well as support for all major test-development environments such as LabVIEW, Agilent VEE, and MATLAB-all ship free of charge with the hardware. UEI also offers the PowerDNA system, an Ethernet-based distributed networked automation system, which consists of compact Cubes users can locate next to sensors and easily link to a host PC. Each Cube contains its own intelligence and networking layer so it can operate as part of a commercial Ethernet setup as well as a standalone unit. Users populate the Cube’s I/O Layers with their choice of analog and digital I/O modules as well as those for mass storage and serial communications. Visit www.ueidaq.com.

Axiomtek Co., Ltd. is one of the world’s leading designers/manufacturers of PC-based industrial computer products and value-added services for systems integrators and OEMs/ODMs. Axiomtek delivers design and value-added services, along with its high-quality industrial PCs, single board computers, fanless and rugged embedded systems, EtherCAT Master Controllers, IoT gateway devices, touch panel computers, etc. – to a variety of industries including transportation, medical, industrial automation, power utilities and renewable energy, retail/POS/Kiosks and many more. Founded in 1990, Axiomtek has expanded its global reach from Asia to North/Latin America and Europe. Axiomtek USA headquarters is located in the City of Industry, CA. The subsidiary incorporates product integration and logistics as well as a wide range of service offerings including design assistance, technical support, and returns merchandise assistance. Axiomtek Systems in Methuen, MA, added its high level of expertise on COTS integration and a variety of value-added services to Axiomtek USA’s comprehensive suite of capabilities. Visit us.axiomtek.com.

Real-time Microsoft Windows

Since 1984 the German company ADDI-DATA has been developing high-tech solutions for industrial measurement and automation. It stands for quality, adaptability, reliability, security of investment, and spirit of innovation. You will find ADDI-DATA solutions worldwide in numerous industrial areas: the automotive and metal industry, engine building industry, tailor-made machinery, aircraft, and chemicals industry, etc. They are used for quality control, process control, signal switching, data acquisition, motion control, or position acquisition. Visit www.addi-data.com.


Emotas GmbH is an embedded software development company for industrial communication. It focuses on CAN, J1939, CANopen, EnergyBus, and EtherCAT software development. It develops software products and custom embedded software solutions. The range of services covers consulting for development and integration as well as software maintenance and CANopen and EtherCAT training. Visit www.emotas.de/en.

ESD is an experienced system integrator that delivers products, turn-key solutions, and services to the industrial automation, process control, automotive, medical, aerospace, and test & measurement industries. The company provides IntervalZero RTX drivers for their CAN fieldbus cards with additional support for higher-layer protocols (CANopen, J1939, …) as well as an implementation of the Real-Time Industrial Ethernet protocol EtherCAT. Visit www.esd.eu.

Janz Tec AG, of Germany, is a leading manufacturer of electronic assemblies and customized industrial and embedded computer systems. With more than 30 years of experience in its markets, Janz Tec is capable of on-demand customization to meet individual customer requirements. Well-known companies from the mechanical and facility engineering, power & energy, transport & traffic, medical technology, and automotive sectors trust in the expertise, reliability, and experience provided by Janz Tec AG. Visit www.janztec.com.

Providing products, technologies, and services at the leading edge of industrial communication technology- including IntervalZero RTX drivers for its field bus cards – is Hilscher’s goal and it measures itself by the success of its customers.
Visit www.hilscher.com.



Real-time Microsoft Windows

内含英特蒙的RTX64 (实时操作系统,RTOS)。以RTX64为基础的KINGSTAR EtherCAT总线主站支持并简化了EtherCAT网络配置以及程序开发。KINGSTAR Fieldbus powered by EtherCAT支持CANopen over EtherCAT,并简化了配置EtherCAT网络的难度。当英特蒙强大并可将Windows转变成实时操作系统(RTOS)的RTX64软件运行时,系统可提供最高精确度以及确定性的表现。KINGSTAR Fieldbus还有一个独特且无可比拟的特色–自动探索/自动配置,可提供业界唯一的即插即用功能。造访 www.kingstar.com/cn.



Real-time Microsoft Windows

KINGSTAR Motion是一个取代昂贵运动控制卡的纯软件PC解决方案。KINGSTAR Motion也藉由支持EtherCAT更一步的降低整体设备成本。工程师可以客制化设备控制系统,而不用面对建造实时控制线程时所需高速运转精确度的挑战。KINGSTAR提供与常见硬件运动控制卡兼容的API;包含EtherCAT主站和EtherCAT配置精灵;使用EtherCAT标准取代专用的网络协议以及I/O硬件;并使用也是低成本的EtherCAT-based伺服马达。造访 www.kingstar.com/cn.

Movensys logo

Movensys provides customized solutions that meet the needs of our customers by offering Dunamis hardware solution and SynseIT IIoT sensor solution, both of which are based on the software motion controller platform WMX. Movensys developed the Worlds First Software-based Motion Controller Platform ‘WMX’ that integrates Soft Motion technology and EtherCAT communication, as well as Soft Master based on CC-Link IE TSN and MECHATROLINK-4 communication. Based on a real-time operating system, it ensures periodic and real-time control by occupying one or more cores of a multicore CPU. Also, Open Architecture (Moventecture) enables users to develop additional functions that they need, beyond the basic motion functions included in WMX. Visit www.movensys.com.



MDSI’s OpenCNC® software CNC was not only the first production-proven, hardware-independent, unbundled software CNC on the market, it was also the first CNC product to be packaged and marketed exclusively as software. This unique technology, which now also includes WinMotion ™ soft motion for general motion control applications, provides complete software motion control across virtually any kind of machine tool, without using any proprietary hardware or motion control cards. Visit www.mdsi2.com.

Newfangled Solutions is focused on finding the best solution for complex manufacturing processes. Newfangled has the ability to design and build machinery, electronics, and software, and also provides consulting services for integrating mechanical, electrical, and computerized controls. The Artsoft division at Newfangled is focused on CNC software and is the home of the very popular MACH series. Our custom machines are for unique processes that no other machine can provide. Newfangled does not sell off-the-shelf CNC machines or hardware and are focused on control software and innovative solutions. Visit www.machsupport.com.

Since 2005, NUMCAD has been integrating our NUMCAD CNC into various projects. As a customer, you profit from this integration know-how. By using standardized software components and interfaces, NUMCAD converts every PC with Windows 64 into a high-performance real-time machine (real-time 64bit, multicore CPU). A CNC controller, based on software components. The software controls machines and robots. Visit www.numcad.com.




由于RTX64能用来建造智慧设备控制器,英特蒙的客户通常仰赖微软Windows生态系统的应用程序与集成伙伴来获得物联网(IoT)的好处。大部分的工具都能使用ODBC 或 OPC UA以安全的传送数据到云端。



Microsoft Power BI

Power BI allows you to monitor your manufacturing operations with detailed reporting and dashboards of key metrics from the factory floor, from workcell, and from specific machines.


Schneider Electric Machine Advisor

EcoStruxure Machine Advisor is the new digital cloud-based services platform. It enables machine builders to provide new services to machine operators for each installed machine in any production site worldwide.





Keeps EtherCAT technology open for all potential users. It brings EtherCAT device manufacturers, technology providers, and users together to further the technology. It provides multiple technical working groups where experts carefully work on various specific aspects of EtherCAT. All of these activities are focused on one common goal: keeping EtherCAT stable and interoperable. Visit www.ethercat.org.

CAN in Automation (CiA) is the international users’ and manufacturers’ group for the CAN network (Controller Area Network), internationally standardized in the ISO 11898 series. The nonprofit association was established in 1992. The aim is to provide an unbiased platform for future developments of the CAN protocol and to promote the image of CAN technology. Visit www.can-cia.org.

OPC is the interoperability standard for the secure and reliable exchange of data in the industrial automation space and in other industries. It is platform-independent and ensures the seamless flow of information among devices from multiple vendors. The OPC Foundation is responsible for the development and maintenance of this standard. its purpose was to abstract PLC-specific protocols into a standardized interface allowing HMI/SCADA systems to interface with a “middle-man” who would convert generic-OPC read/write requests into device-specific requests and vice-versa. Visit opcfoundation.org.

PLCOpen is a vendor and product independent worldwide association active in Industrial Control that is creating higher efficiency in application software development and lowering life-cycle costs. As such it is based on standard available tools to which extensions are and will be defined. PLCopen made solid contributions to the community, extending hardware independence from software code, as well as reusability of code and coupling to external software tools. Visit www.plcopen.org.

A3 is North America’s largest automation trade association representing more than 1,100 organizations involved in robotics, artificial intelligence, machine vision & imaging, motion control & motors, and related automation technologies. A3 is THE global advocate for the benefits of automating. We promote automation technologies and ideas that transform the way business is done. Since our founding in 1974 as a robotics association, we have become the trusted resource for companies looking for valuable education and information on how to successfully automate. Visit www.automate.org.


Witekio is a precursor of complex and connected embedded systems. Witekio is an embedded software expert with a system-level approach, engineering and integrating intelligent systems software for any device from the hardware to the cloud. We bring expertise on both low (OS, driver, firmware) and high-level software (application, connectivity, cloud) associated with a usage knowledge on specific markets that allows the best choices in technologies and architecture for the best performance and security. Through our worldwide teams (Europe, USA, Asia), we help our customers, in all stages of development, to enable the success of their embedded systems or smart device projects and maximize their efficiency. Visit witekio.com.

ATR is a specialized provider of engineering R&D, technical services, and engineered products to the federal government and commercial clients. The Company provides a focused range of R&D and specialty engineering services, prototypes, and products through three interlinked business units: an Engineering and Systems Division; an Automated Systems and Machines Division; and a Robotics and Control Systems Division. Visit www.atrcorp.com.

Sequential Data Solutions – A 35+ Year Veteran of Real-Time Industrial Control. The broad range of experience in PLC, CNC, and Computer-Based Controls. Extensive experience with Reflective Memory and Ethernet-based control and data collection systems. Application Consulting and Design Specialist for RTX and RTX64 for both Industrial and Military customers. An experienced application specialist that thoroughly understands both hardware and software equally. Author and Designer of – RTX64 Global Memory Application. Contact Sequential Data Solutions.

dataPartner Ltd. produces and implements Information and Control systems and also develops custom hardware and software. It offers industrial solutions in specific areas: Production Planning; Monitoring and Data Acquisition; Device or Order Monitoring; Maintenance Management; Machine Control; Critical and Technological Processes Control; Instrumentation and Control Systems; Individual Software or specific Hardware Development; I&C and Process Automation. Visit www.datapartner.cz.

M&F Engineering is an independent technology and consulting firm. It specializes in tailored, robust software development for industrial use, including user interfaces, specialized real-time applications, and test systems. Visit www.m-f.ch.

THEORIS focuses primarily on two specific activities: embedded software and object technologies dedicated to complex systems. The company offers value-added services including, project management, consulting and expertise, training, and implementation. THEORIS assists large industrial companies, as well as small and medium businesses in high-tech projects. Its customers’ markets include telecommunications, multimedia, medical systems, automotive, industrial automation, transportation, simulation, and defense. Visit www.theoris.fr.

Germany-based TriLogiX solves complex problems in the areas of technical software, Windows programming, and IT network technology as an engineering service provider. Visit www.trilogix.de.

BJ Carnation (Beijing Pinks Technology Corporation) is committed to embedded platforms, solid-state storage products, network products, and advanced avionics platforms supporting product development, production and sales, and intelligent embedded systems, high-performance mass storage system, integrated avionics simulation system, high-performance network computing systems integration and development services. Visit www.vme.cn.

Torbis Technology

Torbis Technology CO., LTD’s expertise includes automation control design; servo/stepper motors; computer systems/adapter cards; and image recognition.