RTX64 RTOS,Windows 10实时解决方案的部落格



实时软件设计策略解决了三个核心实时设计概念,包括:决定控制方面的有限状态机、决定系统的并行性任务,以及决定系统可修改性和可重用性的信息隐藏。这些策略还解决了每个实时软件如何处理时间限制的问题。 基于功能分解的设计 这种设计策略非常适合实时结构化设计和分析。顾名思义,系统被分解成不同的功能,称为流程或转换。功能之间的界面被定义成控制流或数据流。像控制或数据转换这样的功能被映射到任务、模块和处理器上。 基于并行任务结构的设计 这种设计策略主要是由 ...

RTX64 实时关键应用程序

RTX64 是一款能将 Windows 转变为实时操作系统(RTOS)的Windows 驱动程序,并藉此在 Windows 的环境下创建精准、可靠且高效能的实时应用程序。RTX64 的关键 RTOS 功能就是充分利用 Windows 操作系统和 x64 多核处理器。以下是几个 RTX64 RTOS 实时关键应用程序的范例。 应用程序的时间精准度 使用 RTX64 的应用程序能够以微秒级的精确度进行实时控制,这是因为 RTX64 拥有独立于 Windows ...

Real-time PC Components

Real-time PCs are characterized by three core components and their interplay. The first and most crucial component for real-time PCs is time. All tasks must be scheduled for completion before a pre-determined deadline. Meaning that, ...

EtherCAT for High Performance Motion Control

EtherCAT is a real time, deterministic and open Ethernet fieldbus that offers the best industrial networks. In light of this, manufacturers of automation equipment use EtherCAT for device implementations geared towards boosting ...

Real Time Analytics for Different Enterprises

Real time is the ability to receive information and process data immediately it arrives. Real time big data analytics is the ability to perform meaningful actions and make ideal decisions at the opportune time. It entails combination ...

Why is a Real Time PC important?

For long, engineers have relied on PLCs because they offer hardened real time control. Their only downside is the steep replacement costs they incur since they implement proprietary operating software and systems. Some traditional ...